How To Master The Utter Awfulness Of A Fitted Sheet
by The Candidly Team
Ahh, all the things I thought I’d just magically know how to do by the time I turned 40. Like eat my daily dose of vegetables. Blow out my stupid hair. Decorate my kitchen to look like it came straight out of Father of the Bride. Or fold a 🤬 bedsheet!
Alas, I am a work in progress, but thankfully, there are experts around to fill the gaps where I fall short. We called on one such DIY and decor expert Samantha Potter to break down the absolute soul-crushing disaster that is the fitted sheet. If you see her house, you will see just why we trust her to de-chaos our domestic lives.
Samantha told us how to yes, fold a fitted sheet. But also where to buy one that actually sits taute on the bed instead of bunching and snapping off the corners and driving us to madness.
First, her step-by-step instructions for how to fold....
Alternately, if you’re the sort of person who throws away the instructions along with the packaging, here’s the visual version:
Fitted sheets are a total drag - take your time and fold them on a flat surface whenever you can.
Tuck the corners of the fitted sheet into one another to create as much of a square/rectangular shape as possible (that shape will depend on your sheet size).
On a bed or a flat surface, start with the fitted sheet inside out.
Then grab a corner in your right hand and an adjacent corner in your left hand.
Bring your hands together and connect the two corners in your right hand. Flip the sheet that was in your left hand over, so it is right side out.
Repeat this step with the remaining two corners.
Repeat this step once more, connecting the two pairs of corners - you'll have all four corners tucked into one another
Gently line up the other sides so that you have as clean of a rectangle or square as you possibly can.
Fold your fitted sheet in thirds (or more*) so the elastics are hidden - this will create a cleaner fold.
Take the elastic part of your fitted sheet and fold it over by 1/3. Fold the opposite side over by 1/3.
Repeat on the long or short side (whichever side you haven't already folded into thirds). If you want your sheets to be folded smaller, you can go ahead and fold them into fourths or more.
And if you need more proof that she knows what she’s talking about, watch her turn her own bed into a literal cloud using a teeny tiny duvet hack.
And finally, the sheet she says is the absolute best…drumroll, etc., etc. is…
And here are some of our personal favorites that promise to stay put… not to mention create the crisp yet silky, warm yet cool, cozy yet breathable conditions we require to get the sleep we so deeply crave.
OneBed Luxe & Lazy Sheet Set
An award-winning brand with the precise mission of creating a sheet that will stay put. The brilliance is in the corner straps that easily fasten to the mattress. They’re made in a soft and smooth, OEKO-TEX certified sateen. The also have a gloriously cool set HERE that’s designed for sleepers who run hot.
Price: $169 - $239
Ugh, we’re ready for bed.
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